HCPG Information


The name of the organisation is Highworth Community Partnership Group (HCPG).


The object of the group shall be:

to ensure that the aspirations of Highworth residents and businesses as described in the ‘Highworth Vision’ are fully met.
In furtherance of the said OBJECT the group will:

Work in partnership with Highworth Town Council.
Liaise with Swindon Borough Council both directly and with the support of the three Borough Councillors.
Develop short, medium and long term strategies.
Seek support from the community to carry out projects.
Seek funds from all legitimate sources in order to carry out projects.
Keep the community informed of progress.


Membership of the Steering Group will be open to all interested volunteers and composed of not more than 12 members, who should be Highworth residents or business owners.

The group shall have the power to co-opt when necessary appropriate other members as specialist advisers.

Membership of the Highworth Community Partnership Group will be reviewed annually; however, vacancies may be filled throughout the year with the agreement of the Steering Group.

At least one member of the Highworth Town Council should be invited to join the group.


The Group will hold no fewer than 6 meetings per year to which all members will be invited and to whom the agenda and papers will be sent in advance.

The quorum of the group shall be at least 4 members plus an officer.

Meetings shall be no longer than 2 hours in length.

Meetings of the Steering Group shall be open to the public, except to the extent that they are excluded by resolution.